Saturday, July 15, 2017

AHCA/BCRA is not A-Okay

              Ever since President Trump has stepped into the Oval Office, and even before then, he has worked to repeal the Affordable Care Act set up by his predecessor Barack Obama. His original Senate bill was met with an overwhelming amount of opposition leading to tweaks and changes to be made. As of July 14, 2017, the New York Times maintains governors on both political sides are still not pleased with the changes.
              Throughout the article entitled Governors From Both Political Parties Denounce Senate Obamacare Repeal Bill, various governors both Democrat and Republican continue to criticize the new Senate bill for continuing to harm the people Obamacare has helped. Governor Sandoval of Nevada, one of the most pivotal figures in this debate, maintains his stance of opposition to the bill despite lobbying attempts by federal officials and the President himself. Conservatives, moderates, Democrats, and Republicans alike are not buying Trump and Pence’s argument that repealing Obamacare is “rescuing Medicaid for the long run.”

              The health care debate is crucial to be informed about due to the affect Medicaid and Obamacare has on the population. People without insurance, or forced to purchase their own, are intrigued by the quality and cost of care provided by these provisions.  This article is worth reading as it shows how people of different opinions are coming together on an issue in order to protect the citizens of this country. 

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